There are plenty of ways to promote your tourism or business partners by offering something enticing via your website. The new ➤ Deals functionality is yet another way to do this. It gives you an ability to offer your visitors the ease and convenience of finding these special offers they want from your site.
In the backend logic, Deals are associated with products, either syncing with ATDW feed, or custom entered.
What Deal types are available?
We have made possible to use the four deal types / flags available: Discount, Offer, Package and Special Rate.
While this upgrade if free and has already been rolled out across all ROAM sites, you will need a small Theme change to enable this functionality, as well as custom style changes relating to how you want to display deals, whether in-line on the product listing itself, via a new tab option, a deal flag on search or a custom Deals page.
Please contact ➤ ROAM customer success team for more information.
➤ Deals Examples on Product Pages below:
Pic 1-2: Deal types in CMS view:
Pic 3: Example of a Deal tab on product page:
Pic 4: Deal flag/types display on search results:
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