There are a few ways to force the cache to clear before then:
1. Purge page's cache
This is the main feature you should go to if you don't see a change you made to a page in frontend.
Individual Blogs
Unique pages i.e. Home page, Blog page, Discover (Kiosk)
Standard pages including kiosk pages
Go to Pages/Products/Blogs etc.
In the list view, select a page(s) you'd like to purge the cache for
Click on the cog wheel - select Purge cache
A message "Cache was purged" will pop up at the top once done
2. Re-save your page
By re-saving the page you reset the cache.
- You added a page to the navigation - resave your home page
- You change information in one or more steps in your itinerary - resave your "Road Trip" page (the main itinerary page)
- You added a custom product - resave your Search page
3. Clear your browser cache or use the Incognito window
- Go to chrome://settings/clearBrowserData
- Select "Cached images and files"
- The best practice is to also select "Browsing History" and "Cookies and other site data"
- Click "Clear Data"
- Reload the page or website you are trying to view.
You can also try using an incognito window in your browser.
If this didn't help, proceed to the next step:
4. Bypass the cache
Roam caches your site's navigation every 24 hours but you don't need to wait that long. Simply bypass the cache by adding a special piece of string after the page URL ?roam-no-cache=1
For example
If this does not help either, please contact your project manager to assist with clearing the cache from our end.
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