Product pages encompass any page on your website related to an operator (accommodation, tour, restaurant) or an event. You might have also heard these referred to as "operator and event entries". Operator and event entries are products in the sense that they're the key saleable items you showcase on your website.
There are two sources of product data. Click below to read more.
2. Custom products - products not on ATDW:
Products from ATDW:
If your organisation holds a subscription with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW), Roam gives you access to auto-generated ATDW operator and event content pages using your credentials in addition to the ability to create your own operator and event pages.
New and relevant ATDW entries are added to your Roam instance daily. These new entries are published into the platform in a disabled state and require your approval before publishing.
You can view all new pages via the platform by heading to the Products tab and changing the status view (left dropdown in screenshot) to Disabled and the filter to the right to Date Created.
ATDW product entries contain:
- A text description
- Photo(s)
- Contact information for the operator - phone number, email, and website.
- Where bookings are possible, ATDW will also provide a booking link which will show on your Roam entry as a Booking & Enquiries button.
- If an address is provided, the Roam platform will generate a map view on the product page too!
Custom products - products not on ATDW:
Got a listing that isn’t on ATDW? No problem! The Roam platform also allows you to create your own custom product entries for the local operators or attractions.
To learn more on custom entries click here.
RELATED: Managing ATDW content
RELATED: Custom product entries
RELATED: Tagging operator and event entries for search optimisation
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