Once you enable a listing in Roam, product listings match the status of a listing in ATDW.
If a listing is active in ATDW and is enabled in Roam your listing will remain visible on your site until you either disable the entry or it expires in ATDW.
If your product listing is enabled in Roam and expired in ATDW the listing will automatically be moved to the expired status in Roam within the next 24 hours.
Active event listing passed its event date?
If there is an event listing which event date has passed, provided the operator changes the status of their listing in ATDW to expired after the event date has passed, it will also show as expired in Roam too. As a result, the listing will be removed from your site's search.
If you notice that a listing still active in Roam and the event date has passed please contact the local operator and request they update the status of their listing in ATDW to expired. Roughly 24 hours after they change the status of their listing the Roam listing will be updated in Roam too.
Alternatively, you can also disable and entry via the platform and this will remove the product from being visible on your site.
Note: it may take up to 10 minutes for the listing to be removed from your search page.
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