This update helps your users to more readily find relevant site content and provide a more engaging user experience. The update includes pages and blogs (as well as products) in search.
On the search page, the products results display separately from the blog and page results. They are split in a tab format, see above for an example.
Pages and blogs search allow for free text search, but won't be searchable by categories or locations. Products remain searchable by free text, categories and locations depending on how your search has been set up.
Newly created pages and blogs populate in search daily. If there is a delay in seeing your new content on the search page it could be related to caching, so please contact Roam support for assistance clearing your browser cache or visit this article here for help.
By default all pages and blogs show in search, which means all newly created content is shown in search. We have, however, included a toggle which allows you to choose to show or hide a page from search. This may be a page such as your Privacy Policy, or anything that you don't wish to show in search results.
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