What is a Product map?
Product map is one of our Roam products available to all of our clients. It displays both, ATDW and custom product listings.
How Product map work?
Our product map is designed in Mapbox. This means the way the map looks such as colours and fonts can be fully customised. This style is then placed on your website via code. The product map then pulls all the products from your website.
I can't see the product listings in my Product Map
The product listings you see in your Product Map are not disassociated with the products on your website. They are the same product listings. Therefore, if you cannot see a product listing in your Product Map, please check the following:
1. Product listings share the same latitude/longitude values
- Some businesses may share the same address hence lat/long values too. For example, the tour operator is located in the same building/shopping centre as another of your tour operators.
- Some tour operators offer two or more different products within the same location. For example, a farm may offer a "fruit picking experience" and their other product is a "farm shop". In this case, both listings (fruit picking and farm shop) would have the same address and lat/long values
Because of identical addresses and lat/long values, the product pins that you see on the map for each of the products are hidden behind each other.
- Increase your "Max Zoom" in your product map. Zooming in as close as possible will show the user both product listings.
- Inform the tour operator and ask them to change the lat/long values slightly in a way the products will display next to each other on the map
2. Map radius is not big enough
We recommend a radius of 100km however this always depends on how big the area you cover is. If the map radius is less than the area you cover, some of the product listings may not appear on the map.
SOLUTION: Increase your map's radius.
3. The status of the product listing, its' Roam category or ATDW category is not enabled
When looking for your listing, check the following:
- Is the ATDW category the listing falls under enabled?
- Is the Roam category the listing falls under enabled?
- Is the listing enabled?
- Please note: Events can still have enabled status but the expiry date commands whether the listing appears on the website/map or not.
- The listing's update hasn't gone through yet
- If the listing was just added to ATDW or there has been an update to the listing such as the expiry date, the change will be reflected with the next import. The import is done daily overnight.
4. Caching
Our websites use caching. Caching enables content to be retrieved faster which is especially important in our Roam websites with high amounts of imagery. Caching on our websites is cleared daily overnight however sometimes manual action is needed. Follow this link to learn more about how to clear your cache.
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